There are so many things you can do to help yourself get better. Give yourself time, there will be days where it is the hardest thing ever to get out of bed, to text people back, to make plans, to try and love people when you can't even love yourself or your life, or do anything even if it was something you used to love and have a passion for. But there will also be days where you feel loads better and you'll feel so excited that you'll forget you ever felt crappy and rubbish. You'll feel like you're on a rollercoaster. But remember to listen to your body, do what YOU need to do, not what other people think. If all your friends go out drinking a lot and you're much happier having a bath and watching netflix, or spending a night in with your best friend, then do that. Don't feel guilty, don't feel like you're missing out. Do the things that will make you feel better and then before you know it you'll be able to go out with them and enjoy every second of it.



"It's important to make friendships that are deeper than gossiping and drinking and smoking and going out. Make friends who you can go get breakfast with, make friends you can cry with, make friends who support your life goals and believe in you."



Another thing that can really help is getting into exercise and releasing endorphins, and this is the one thing that helped me whenever I was going through a bad patch. Whether it was going on a long walk or run with my favourite music playing, or doing an intense workout like boxing or a HIIT session where I was so focused on the moves that I would completely zoned out. Either one helped me so much. You don't have to turn into a full on gym zombie if that's not your thing, you can do anything that you find enjoyable - like long walks, jogs, yoga, a dance class, or boxing. It can be really hard to get started but once you finish you'll feel so much better than you did before. Simple things like long walks whilst listening to your favourite music and thinking can make so much difference, they can really lift your spirits and make you feel good. I don't really see running or walking as exercise anymore, I see it more as a type of meditation as it's time for me to think and breathe properly and feel good. Learning to be OK with spending time with yourself and accepting what you're going through is another thing that helps, the more you fight it, the worser it will become. I used to be so scared that if I spent 5 minutes alone and had time to think I would have a panic attack, but I learnt that having some quiet time doesn't mean that at all. I now love being on my own, quite often I'll go out to coffee shops on my own and read of book or write, or go out and explore somewhere new and grab some food.



Finding something that you love more than anything, that sets a burning passion inside of you is something that you should make sure you do as often as possible. Quite often we neglect ourselves of the things we love doing the most. I'm not sure why, but we do. When you're completely focused on something your mind can't wander. You're so engaged on what you're doing and that thoughts don't enter your mind and when this happens it's THE BEST FEELING. When you feel shit you can loose your passion and interest for everything, I know I did. I lost my love for photography, for art, for working out, cooking, for my blog, for reading. But I'm slowly starting to get back into all of them. No matter how crappy you feel make sure you don't let it get in the way of you following your dreams.

And last but not least, treat your body with the respect it deserves, cry when you need too and let it all out, make yourself go watch sunrises, go for walks, take long showers, sleep in when you need too, but wake up early when you want too, eat good food for you body, but eat chocolate when your soul needs it, read books, take photos, list all the things you're grateful for, surround yourself with food friends, write this day down, write everything down, talk to people when you need too, have hugs, let it all out, find new music, watch your favourite films, trust in life, and trust in The Universe. 

Once you feel better, everything will feel so much nicer after feeling so rubbish. Food, eating out, kissing, dancing, cuddling, sleeping, laying in bed, music, being outside, friends, making new friends, leaving the house, studying, making art, getting in at 6am, waking up at 6am, thinking about the future and the past with a smile, and my absolute favourite, spending a whole day doing nothing and feeling ABSOLUTELY FINE. 

I still have off days where I struggle but I try to not over think them as much. I've gotten into a great workout routine and my mind feels a lot more calmer. 

I made meditating and writing my journal a priority every morning and it has helped so much. I look forward to waking up now knowing that meditating will clear my mind and I can get all my thoughts onto paper, whether they're positive or negative. The thing with depression is that you never know how you're going to wake up feeling in the morning, sometimes you can try and do everything in your power to make yourself feel better and have a good day, sometimes it works, but sometimes it can feel almost impossible.


If you know a friend or a family member going through something like this, whether it's depression, anxiety, panic attacks or any type of Mental Health problem, please be kind to them. Listen to them, hug them, don't get mad at them or make them feel weird. They have a huge battle going on inside of their brain and they're probably trying their hardest. If they've confided in you - trust me, it's a big deal for them, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't open up to anyone, so if they open up to you, feel happy that they trust you enough to want your help and for you to know what's going on. I know that for me 

I find it really difficult talking to people, I hate it but at the same time I really hate keeping it all in. I get worried that I'll push people away from not telling them but then I get scared that talking to people who are close to me will make them think 'ahh she's too much to deal with, I don't need this in my life'. Just try and h

elp them, give them strength, be kind, be supportive, make them feel good, remind them they're strong and that they can get through this. Do little things to help brighten up their life - They'll be so grateful, and will never ever forget it.

A, x


