This topic is not something that I would usually go into a whole lot of detail on my blog because it is something that is very very personal to me, I've had this post written for a while and really wasn't sure whether to post it, I was really nervous !!.. but if this post can help just one person then my job is done.

It's something that I wish people had a lot more knowledge about - not only so that they can get help if they feel they have a mental illness, but to also help friends and family if they know someone who is going through it. 

I wanted to do a blog post on this because I think it is soooooo so so important for people to understand and to know a little more about mental illness. So many people, whether it be close family or friends, will struggle with a mental illness - but a lot of people don't know how to help.

From the outside, people may look ok, but on the inside they are having one massive constant battle going on inside their brain. And it is one of the most tiringdraining and difficult things to go through. Every year between the 11-17th May it is the official Mental Health Awareness Week :) 


Another thing that can help so much is getting into exercise, now you don't have to turn into a full on gym zombie, you can simply go for long walks, a small jogyoga, or a class. Whatever you find enjoyable and comfortable with, and once you finishing exercising you will feel great. Simple things like long walks whilst listening to your favourite music, but concentrating on what you're doing can made a world of difference.

If going out for a walk on your own scares you, or makes you feel really anxious, start with a small 5 minute walk, and then gradually go for longer and longer. Learning to be OK with yourself, spending time with yourself and accepting what you have is something that helped me so much.

The more you fight it, the worse it will get. I used to get so scared that if I was alone and had just 5 seconds to think, that I would have a panic attack. But over the last few years I've realised that having some alone quiet time does not mean that at all. I now love spending time on my own, just with my thoughts as I've learnt to control them.


Finding something that you absolutely love that sets that burning passion of inside you is something that you should 100% make sure you do as often as you possibly can. When you're completely focused on something your mind can't wander, you're completely engaged on what you're doing and IT'S THE BEST FEELING EVER, I remember thinking wow I didn't worry for like 5 minutes THIS IS AMAZING!

Make sure you follow your dreams no matter how scary they are, and no matter how much your mental illness will try and get in the way, and trust me, it will, it will so be worth it in the end. 

Everyone has a purpose in this life and a reason why they are here - and it's to overcome little blips like this to make us stronger people and to follow our craziest dreams so that when we're on our death beds we can think 'I'm so happy that I followed my dreams no matter how scary they were'.

Nothing will happen over night, it's little things that you have to put into practise daily, but I promise you that you will soon start to see a difference and your life will start to change. I still struggle daily with anxiety, but it's not even a quarter of how difficult it used to be - you learn to find ways to deal with it.

Everybody has an inner strength inside of them that comes out when you need it the most.

Lots of love, 

A, x

Also, go follow 'yoga_girl' on instagram. She uploads the most amazing pictures with advice that will change your life. I have her quotes written all around my room. x 


