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— Paulo Coelho

I’m feeling really inspired and connected at the moment. I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts and doing a lot of research on The Law of Attraction which is so interesting and something I really believe in. I feel like I’m starting to have a bigger spiritual connection which is definitely something I felt like I lost, or felt really far from so it’s nice to have some faith again and something to trust in and believe in. It’s also really nice reading so much and working on developing myself and growing as a person and learning and changing and becoming a better person. From listening to some podcasts it’s really made me realise how much pressure I put on myself to be productive 24/7 even when I'm not feeling it. But to false myself into working on being productive all the time reduces time for spontaneity and I don’t allow myself to actually work on things that my energy is lined up with and things I actually want to work on. Why false yourself to work on something if you’re really not feeling it? When you think about, it’s really because your ego likes the idea of ticking off that to-do list and feeling ‘productive’, where as actually working and doing what you genuinely want to do is, or resting or taking a break when you need it is more productive because you’re allowing the law of attraction to work on bringing things to you and then when you do work your full effort and attention is focused on that. Interesting stuff.

Now it might just be a coincidence but since I’ve been thinking about this and putting it into practise, some crazy things have happened. Today I have a business meeting with a potential client that could lead to some veeeryyyyy exciting things. Imagine if it becomes my big break!!! I’m so excited. I decided to take a little staycation to London for 5 days, to work, see friends, visit galleries, get inspiration and just have a little reset and enjoy some time in this beautiful city as I genuinely started to resent and hate this place when I was working here full time. Allowing myself to be a tourist and do fun things. I’m also meeting with a friend I made over Instagram who is from Australia but is living over here for a while with her boyfriend, and I’m so excited to finally meet her.

Do you allow yourself to have breaks when you need them, or do you force yourself to be productive and a boss babe who ‘rises & grinds’ all the time? Let me know your thoughts - it would be so interesting to hear as my perspective is definitely changing!

A, x

5SOS - Easier / Lorde. - Supercut